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Dentistry After COVID-19: What to Expect at Your Appointment

May 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — adc4smilesteam @ 9:10 pm
Clean, disinfected dental chair at Crown Point dentist practice

From getting groceries to connecting with family, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of our lives. This includes appointments with your dentist, which will look slightly different than they did before. Your Crown Point dentist has implemented a variety of extra infection control protocols and safety precautions to keep you as safe and healthy as possible while you receive the dental treatment you need. Here’s what you can expect during your first appointment with them when they reopen.


How can Ultraviolet (UV) Light Improve the Safety of our Dental Office

May 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 10:23 pm

As we are all aware, a nasty bug known as Novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19, has had a major impact on our daily lives in recent months.  The fear and apprehension surrounding COVID-19 has brought to our attention many things that once went relatively unknown or overlooked.  A virus that is not visible to the naked eye has managed to make itself known and visible to billions of people around the world through news, print, illness and even tragedy! Is there a silver lining that can make us, as dental professionals and dental patients, safer and healthier in the future?  Yes…awareness and adaptability!
